Ignore constituents at your peril

Ignore constituents at your peril

Tom Foster-Brown (Committee, Pembroke College) is an undergraduate in his second year of reading Engineering.

Canvassing around Oxfordshire over the past few weeks there have been a few things I’ve heard from a number of people. The most common was “Sorry, not interested”, but second to that, the response I received the most was “Sorry chap, never going to vote again”, and in all honesty, I can’t blame them.

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The Elixir of Youth for the Conservative Party

The Elixir of Youth for the Conservative Party

Tom Foster-Brown (Committee member, Pembroke College) is an undergraduate in his first year of reading Engineering.

The Conservative Party is facing a crisis more fundamental than Brexit. Year upon year, it’s voting figures are diminishing, as the typically conservative, older generation are dying. Despite this demographic fact, it is failing to successfully target young voters to compensate for this decline. And so, we must ask ourselves the question - what can we do to combat this?

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