The Elixir of Youth for the Conservative Party

The Elixir of Youth for the Conservative Party

Tom Foster-Brown (Committee member, Pembroke College) is an undergraduate in his first year of reading Engineering.

The Conservative Party is facing a crisis more fundamental than Brexit. Year upon year, it’s voting figures are diminishing, as the typically conservative, older generation are dying. Despite this demographic fact, it is failing to successfully target young voters to compensate for this decline. And so, we must ask ourselves the question - what can we do to combat this?

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Brexit will lead us to either dominance or death

Brexit will lead us to either dominance or death

George Wright (Ex-Secretary, Former Deputy Returning Officer, Ex-Treasurer, Ex-Whip, Ex-Committee Member, St John’s College) is an undergraduate in his second year of studying Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.

Well, maybe. Political discourse is the natural habitat of the hyperbole and you would be excused for thinking I’m doing my part to enrich the biodiversity contained within it. But before you chastise me too harshly for desperately trying to resuscitate project fear, let’s take stock of exactly where we find ourselves. For nearly three years, our parliamentarian overlords have equivocated and tergiversated and blabbered about how Brexit means Brexit. The government has spent month after month dealing in the currency of can-kicking, spitting vacuous metaphor after vacuous metaphor until no BBC studio was left un-moistened by the collective phlegm of their inchoate prolixity. 

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